Introduction to ColorSchemes

This package provides a collection of colorschemes and colormaps:

  • scientifically devised colorschemes from ColorBrewer and CMOcean
  • popular favourites such as viridis, inferno, and magma from MATPlotLib
  • old masters' colorschemes, such as leonardo, vermeer, and picasso
  • variously themed colorschemes such as sunset, coffee, neon, and pearl

Note that the schemes contained here are a mixture:

  • some are high quality color maps with consistent perceptual contrast over their full range
  • others are designed for general purpose and informal graphics work

Choose colorschemes with care! Refer to Peter Kovesi's PerceptualColourMaps package, or to Fabio Crameri's Scientific Colour Maps for more information.

This package relies on the Colors.jl package.

Installation and basic usage

Install the package as follows:

] add ColorSchemes

and to use it:

using ColorSchemes

Original version by cormullion.


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