Example of widgets put into container with change handler assigned

using Tk

w = Toplevel("Test window", false)
Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Toplevel

pack in tk frame for themed widgets

f = Frame(w)
configure(f, Dict(:padding => [3,3,2,2], :relief=>"groove"))
pack(f, expand=true, fill="both")


b  = Button(f, "one")
cb = Checkbutton(f, "checkbutton")
rg = Radio(f, ["one", "two", "trhee"])
sc = Slider(f, 1:10)
sl = Spinbox(f, 1:10)
e  = Entry(f, "starting text")
widgets = (b, cb, rg, sc, sl, e)
(Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Button, Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Checkbutton, Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Radio, Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Scale, Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Spinbox, Tk widget of type Tk.Tk_Entry)

oops, typo!

set_items(rg.buttons[3], "three")


pack_style = ["pack", "grid", "formlayout"][3]

if pack_style == "pack"
    map(pack, widgets)
    map(u -> pack_configure(u, Dict(:anchor => "w")), widgets)
elseif pack_style == "grid"
    for i in 1:length(widgets)
        grid(widgets[i], i, 1)
        grid_configure(widgets[i], Dict(:sticky => "we"))
    map(u -> formlayout(u, "label"), widgets)
("", "", "", "", "", "")

bind a callback to each widget

change_handler(path,xs...) = println(map(get_value, widgets))
map(u -> callback_add(u, change_handler), widgets)

set_visible(w, true)

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